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About me…

I grew up in Connecticut. I went to Art School in the early 1970s, where I'm pretty sure I studied something. For the next decade or so, I worked as a magazine art director and designer in Boston and Denver. I moved to the Berkshires, in western Massachusetts, about 30 years ago, where I established my own art direction, publication design and production business. After a 25-year run, I retired. Following a stint in town government, I now spend my time creating these strangely distinctive designs and digital prints


My process…

I’ve been working with patterns that repeat for a few years now. All of these designs begin with a selection of small tiles that I combine and manipulate to create patterns that repeat. These are essentially variations of the Truchet tile concept — taken for a bit of a ride.

     I use multiple tiles to make patterns that repeat in unusual ways. A grid maintains the structure of the repeat, but within the grid, it's something of a free-for-all. The patterns do tile perfectly, but the repeat is not readily apparent. Organized chaos. 

     I work with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. These designs are not generated with coding, but by manipulating tiles within a grid. 

     Happy to discuss my process or artwork anytime.


Bill Cooke



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