Repairs, other than basic maintenance, since I have owned the car (2004)
2004: Tuneup, new distributor cap/rotor, new wire set and plugs, new alternator, all new belts (alternator, power steering, air pump and AC), front brake pads, air, and fuel filters
2005: Replace upper front shock bushings
2006: Tighten clamp on radiator hose, reposition axle joint over clamp, lube door and trunk, recharge AC system
2007: recharge AC system
2008: New fuel tank change-over switch, new a-arm bushings and ball joints, upper and lower ball joints, alignment and wheel balancing, install rebuilt AC compressor, new spark plugs
2010: One new window switch, New transmission mount cushion and bushing
2012: Install new headliner, replaced AC amplifier, four wheel alignment, new thermostat and gasket, install used coolant expansion tank
2013: Replace brake master cylinder, clean reservoir, flush and bleed, new front brake pads
2016: new headlight, new water pump and belts, fixed e-brake handle and brake ratchets, replace lamp in directional
2017: new headlight, low beam.
2018: New wiper blades, recharge AC
2019: New battery, recharge AC
Hasn’t needed anything but basic maintenance since 2019.